A real-time profitability dashboard

Efficient and precise

All important information is available at a glance.

A real-time profitability dashboard for Amazon FBA sellers
Everything becomes transparent

No more waste of time, in a few clicks you know everything!

We tell you how much you earn on Amazon

(and many other things)

Order tracking

Amazon fees, cost of goods, tax...
Get a complete and accurate profit estimate.

We simply show you what you pay for. No more room for doubt
Get your order history easily
Order tracking for Amazon Seller on Tamarin
Identify the reasons for customer returns and their costs
Verify that the refunded product has been returned to the warehouse

Nothing escapes you anymore.

Review automation

We will send this request by e-mail to your customers.

Maximize your customer reviews like never before
100% Amazon compliant
Review Automation for Amazon FBA Sellers by Tamarin.app
Always translated into the customer's language
Save your time and become more efficient

Not a single order will be forgotten.

Keyword Ranking

+195 million keywords extracted from Amazon to help you.

Find new keywords that can help you sell more
Keyword ranking for Amazon Seller on Tamarin
Keep an eye on your competitors. Compare their ranking to yours

Always know the ranking of your product for each keyword.

Access your data anywhere

Avalaible on Apple Store and Google Play.

Smartphone, Tablet, Pc or Mac, it doesn't matter.
Your data follow you everywhere.
100% secure. Your data is protected by a high level of security.
Tamarin Dashboard profitability on an Iphone
You will be notified on your phone as soon as you make a sale
All the features of tamarin.app in your pocket


It's free (for the moment)

  • All features
  • All marketplaces
  • Unlimited number of orders
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